Over £2 Million in Penalties Issued to Rogue Companies for Nuisance Calls, Texts and Emails

Over £2 Million in Penalties Issued to Rogue Companies for Nuisance Calls, Texts and Emails


This article discusses a company called It's OK Ltd which was fined £200,000 for making over 1.7 million unlawful calls to people registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). The company was found to be making an average of over three calls every minute and attempting to mislead individuals that their white good warranties had expired and encouraging them to pay for services they may not have needed. Furthermore, it is believed that the company was targeting elderly individuals. In response to this, the ICO issued the fine and warned other organisations that similar actions would be pursued to the fullest extent. The article also provides advice on how to stop unlawful marketing calls and encourages members of the public to report any such calls.

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